Getting your credit report in order with Brian Linnekens

Have you been confused lately as to why your credit score is going down or why many of the financial institutions have turned down your request for a loan? Chances are that your credit score has gone down without your knowledge. Errors and oversight from one or several financial institutions is quite normal according to Brian Linnekens but these mistakes that seem to be trivial to the financial institutions have big effects for an individual who is seeking financial aid, loan for an automobile or mortgage for his or her home.

First and foremost you need to have firsthand information about your credit scores. This can be easily done by going on and accessing your credit report free of cost if you have not received a copy of the same in the past 12 months informs Brian Linnekens. Even if you are outside the US and need to access your free credit report you can access the same via Once you have the Credit Report with you it’s easy for you to ascertain whether your credit history is in order or if it needs a tweak due to an error from the Credit Bureau’s end or from one of your Creditor’s end.

If you have a low credit score that is unexpected then you need to pull out your credit report from all three credit reporting agencies namely Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. All these work independent of each other and do not share information. The advantage and logic behind pulling out the credit reports is that you will be able to find the error in reporting. If one of the credit bureaus is goofing up on your credit score then the error will not be visible on the other two but if the error is on part of a creditor then all the three bureaus are going to reflect it.

Next step is to file a complaint with the credit bureaus regarding the wrong reporting of your credit scores. You can visit their website to do that. Normally each credit union has a form on their website that allows you to file your complaint with them. While filing that complaint make sure you provide maximum information about your financial transactions and details that they are asking for. Don’t worry these websites are secure and do not share information with any third party thus you information is as secure as it is with you.

Brian Linnekens further states that after filing the complaint you need to be patient as the Credit Unions have their own turnaround time for settling any issue with the negative credit remarks. This turnaround time may vary from a month to 45 days. These Credit Unions have their own techniques and methods to look into any issue that has been raised with them. Apart from that you need to fill out the information accurately so that the issue can be expedited. If the Credit Unions need to get more information from you the settling process will only extend.

Once the issue has been settled you need to file the documents and keep them in safe custody so that if in future the issue arises again you can easily come with the previous documents that you have with you. Professionals like Brian Linnekens are always there to guide and explain the proper process to deal with the negative marks on your credit report.

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